General Information:
Cloghogue N.S. is a Catholic, Christian school promoting the Catholic ethos under the patronage of the Bishop of Elphin, Bishop Kevin Doran.
The school receives grants and funding from the Department of Education and Skills and operates within the regulations laid down by the Department. The school is a designated Rural DEIS School and receives extra funding in the form of a School Book Grant, extra capitation and a standalone DEIS grant. School policy is implemented with the funding and resources available to the school. The school also receives free lunches which are funded by the Department of Social Welfare and Protection.
The school follows the curricular programme prescribed by the Department of Education and Skills. This programme may be amended from time to time in accordance with Sections 9 and 30 of the Education Act 1998.
Postal Address: Cloghogue N.S.
Co. Sligo
Tel: 071 9165655/0861706616
Roll Number: 18543O
Principal: Aisling Tighe
School Opening Hours:
School starts at 9.25 am daily. Junior and Senior Infant children go home at 2.05pm and the children from First Class to Sixth Class go home at 3.05pm. The Board of Management does not accept responsibility for the supervision of children outside these hours.
Breaktime is 11am and lunchtime is at 1pm. The children play outside at these times when the weather permits.
Our lunch provider is Carambola Ltd. Passwords will be provided to you and you can log onto their website and choose your child’s lunch from their menu.
School Uniform:
The school uniform consists of the following:
Navy jumper with school crest (can be purchased in Lavins in Ballymote)
Grey trousers/pinafore/skirt
White shirt/polo shirt
Please note: On PE days children may wear plain navy coloured tracksuit bottoms with their school jumper and shirt. The class teacher will inform parents when PE will take place in the new term. Please label all your child’s jumpers coats etc. as it is often difficult to reunite lost items with their owners.
Contacting the School:
If you wish to speak to a member of staff please call the school to make an appointment. We are always happy to meet parents but due to the busy nature of the school classroom it is not always possible to take an unscheduled meeting. We look forward to meeting you all in September .